Unclaimed Tax Refund
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IRS is holding $92 Million in Refund Checks

Are you wondering why you never got your refund from the Internal Revenue Service? Try checking your address on file at the tax agency.

About $92.2 million in refund checks is sitting in the IRS coffers marked "undeliverable" because the agency doesn't have a current address on file for some 95,746 U.S. taxpayers, the agency announced Thursday. The unclaimed checks average $963 each.

"Every year, many taxpayers miss their refunds because they move without notifying the IRS or postal service of a change of address," said Mark Everson, the IRS commissioner, in a press release.

Taxpayers can go to the IRS Web site and click on "where's my refund" to find out whether their check is languishing at the IRS. Visit  www.IRS.gov

The online tool requires taxpayers to enter their Social Security number, filing status and the refund amount as listed on their 2005 return. There's also a telephone version of the tool, at 1-800-829-1954.

Taxpayers whose refund was returned because of an out-of-date address will be prompted to update their address when they use the "where's my refund" tool. All other taxpayers who wish to change the address they have on file at the IRS must mail in a Form 8822. That form is available on IRS.gov, or you can request the form by calling 1-800-829-3676.


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